Road-hog123's Unrestricted License
This license is equivalent to a Public Domain license, but with a few additional polite requests for the benefit of the community and the both of us.
Content covered by this license is free to use, modified or unmodified, in any OMSI, OMSI 2 or LOTUS product, free or paid.
Content covered by this license is free to be modified in its entirety.
Content covered by this license is free to be redistributed, modified or unmodified, standalone or bundled with a product, free or paid.
Content covered by this license is free to be redistributed and/or used with or without attribution.
- Although permitted, reuploading the content on its own without modification is not recommended. I will always provide multiple download sources to ensure the file is always available, so there should be no need to reupload the file. Linking to an official release page (either on or ensures the end user always gets the latest version.
- Although attribution is not required, it is encouraged to prevent confusion over ownership. Claiming this work as your own is still plagiarism, even for Public Domain works.
- Despite sinking many hours of my time into creating the content this license covers, it does not help buy food or pay bills. If you are selling a product that includes my work, giving something back to me would be much appreciated.